Teaching & Nursing
Grant Program


Throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic, our teachers and nurses have been placed on the frontlines of our community. Nurses have cared our sick, comforted their families, endured long shifts, and continually put service over self. Teachers were faced with reconstructing their lesson plans to accommodate virtual classwork and managing the difficult return to in-person learning, addressing many challenging issues faced by students throughout the difficult period.

The Will County HEROES Teaching and Nursing Grant ignites a new generation of heroes. Students willing to enter their fields and take on the challenges of these noble professions. Both current and potential Nursing and Teaching students are eligible to apply for up to $2,500 a semester of scholarship money towards their education. The program also provides a pathway for employment after graduation, connecting students with local partners who can support their continued education and ensure a working environment that will foster positive career development.

Now is the time to become an Education and Healthcare Hero! Learn how to apply today!

Use the materials provided in this toolkit to publicize the

Will County Heroes,

Teaching & Nursing Grant Program.









Click to learn more about the program.