Village of Diamond WWTP Data Storage Improvements
Updating data storage and reducing data loss
Village of Diamond
Amount Awarded: $71,400 | Project Status: Completed Fall 2024
Will County awarded over $70,000 to the Village of Diamond to provide key digital infrastructure upgrades at their Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP). This project will allow the village to operate and store WWTP (wastewater treatment plant) data and three remote lift stations on the cloud. This project eliminates historical operation control interruptions and data loss.
This project includes applying the SCADA system, a distributed computer system to aid wastewater treatment processes through monitoring and automation control. This is an essential system that allows operators to safely facilitate operations. The WWTP SCADA Project has gone out to bid and will be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder. Once contracts are executed the project will begin, with completion anticipated by September 1, 2024.
“As mayor I am grateful to Will County for this opportunity to improve our WWTP control systems at no cost to our taxpayers.”
– Teresa Kernc | Mayor